Podaris joins Intelligent Mobility Accelerator

We are pleased to announce that Podaris has recently been invited to join Wayra’s Intelligent Mobility Accelerator.

The Intelligent Mobility programme is a joint venture between Wayra UK, the Connected Places Catapult, Telefonica, Ferrovial, Hyundai, and Stagecoach. The programme assists the UK’s most promising startups in the mobility sector, connecting them with new partners and pilot projects around the world.

Podaris CEO Nathan Koren had this to say about the programme:

We’re thrilled to receive this recognition and opportunity. We believe it will be an important point in our growth, helping us to reach new customers and markets, and to develop new products and services that will benefit our existing customers as well.

When we first began developing Podaris – over eight years ago already! – there was little understanding that the mobility sector was on the cusp of a sea-change. Very few people appreciated that new kinds of planning tools would be needed to deal with this. We were, to be honest, too far ahead of our time. So we’re profoundly grateful to the forward-thinking customers, investors, and supporting organisations that have helped us survive until now.

Intelligent Mobility group

But in the last year, things have suddenly started to change. The mobility sector is evolving more rapidly than at any point in the past century. Autonomy is really hitting the mainstream, and new mobility modes – from hyperloops to electric scooters – seem to be emerging every day. The industry increasingly understands that transport planning paradigms will be changing dramatically – and that new and better tools and workflows will be needed to support that change.

So the capabilities that Podaris offers – real-time interdisciplinary collaborative planning with intuitive parametric techniques that can model new mobility modes more accurately than any other software – are no longer ahead of their time. These are capabilities that the industry is increasingly hungry for, and here at Podaris, we have a product that stands ready to serve that appetite.

Wayra’s Intelligent Mobility programme is not aimed at early-stage startups, but rather at small companies with products that are mature enough to make inroads into much larger customers. So it’s a perfect fit for us, and can’t wait to see what kind of projects emerge out of this partnership!